Welcome to

Oundle Community First Responders

Registered Charity No. 1110585

OCFR is a voluntary organisation, registered with the charities commission and reliant upon donations for its funding.
Giving valuable assistance to the East Midlands Ambulance Service, providing vital support to patients within the first few minutes of a medical emergency and ongoing support until the arrival of the emergency ambulance.

Please take a moment to browse our website for more information on who we are,  what we do and how to join.

If you are a UK tax payer and able to help us claim an extra 20% on your donation through the Gift Aid scheme, please send us a message to this effect by clicking on the link below.
We will need your full name, house name/number and postcode.
Thank you

Gift Aid

***OCFR are now 100% electric***

**LATEST NEWS - Take a look at the proud recipient of the British Empire Medal**

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